~Live Through~
Time passed by fast....
Just a twist of eyes....
I have come nearly to my final exam....
And it means my first semester is going to ended....
Here I come to report about what I have studied....
5 subjects at this semester:
a)Introduction to Accounting-which is most probably my previous SPM accounting which only convert to English version.....
b)Quantitative Studies-where many part was drawing graph,binomial and many things which I learnt in Additional Mathematics SPM....
c)Economics-new subjects....not so familiar....much deal with our imagination....haha...if you know then you will know....and vice versa...
d)English Language-speechless subjects....
e)Hubungan Etnik-The subject where it is the combination of History and Moral in SPM....
I have gone to UTAR yesterday morning....
Attending Malaysia Festival of Mind V...
Where the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Education Malaysia, YAB Tan Sri Dato' Haji Muhyiddin bin. Mohd. Yassin were invited to launch the event....
Haha....we all stand in front of the door....
Got Red Carpet there....
I step once on it.....
wakakakakakaka....(For naughty purpose....)
We does not go into the hall for the opening ceremony...
We walked towards the exhibition wall....
Can't stand for that....
UTAR really beautiful for study....
I take some pictures of my friends....
I going to say sorry to all because my camera had eaten the batteries....
No more pictures after that....
Damn Camera....
The exhibitions was great....
There are a lots of talks,workshops and exhibitions...
Where we can train our brains....
Some IQ questions,games....
Test to know which brain are you using on....
Touching the real brain....
Magic shows....
A lots....

We have our time much there....
So happy until my classrep say want to go back at 11am me also forgot....
Don't care her larh....
We continue play at there till 12pm.....
The exhibitions is till 12th of July....
Who was interested,please have a visit to there and you will have much experience there....
More details in the UTAR website....
Oh ya....
About my first presentation....
Many was curious and ask me to post about it....
It was my first experience on it....
My team member Huan Peng,Wai Loon and Cheng Chiu...
Me as the group leader the whole team sure will be great larh....
My days was quite great within in it....
Try to run out of the loneliness....
Try to find my bright....
~Be Happy Forever~