Learning is one of the things that people should have continue it throughout the whole life...
If one stop learning,he or she will be out-dated and being get out of the way...
So,learn more things in the life will makes people have more colourful and wonderful life...
Many still waiting...
Waiting for the chance to come and find them...
They have left the learning aside and slowly,it will be forget...
It did more unfortunately than usual....
The chance has come...
Finding him or her....
He or she had throw away those knowledge from where they have learnt...
I already get somethings from my housemate to avoid me from being too boring...
Because the location where I live is quite bored...
Design programme,Neo Imaging...
And also something that chin beng want most,Adobe Flash cs4.....
Learning still in progress....
Here got some edited pictures done by myself.....
Please give some comment o....
If you are not in the pictures....
I'm here to apologizes that I was unable try all of the pictures because some lacking of time....
Have a nice day and enjoy it....^^

Just a few have make me took out those free times....
Flash is harder and need more time to do it...
All must take good care of the body o....
I already have a small fever and I scare that H1N1 virus have some effect to me....
Take care all.....
~Be Happy Forever~
~Be Healthy Forever~
If one stop learning,he or she will be out-dated and being get out of the way...
So,learn more things in the life will makes people have more colourful and wonderful life...
Many still waiting...
Waiting for the chance to come and find them...
They have left the learning aside and slowly,it will be forget...
It did more unfortunately than usual....
The chance has come...
Finding him or her....
He or she had throw away those knowledge from where they have learnt...
I already get somethings from my housemate to avoid me from being too boring...
Because the location where I live is quite bored...
Design programme,Neo Imaging...
And also something that chin beng want most,Adobe Flash cs4.....
Learning still in progress....
Here got some edited pictures done by myself.....
Please give some comment o....
If you are not in the pictures....
I'm here to apologizes that I was unable try all of the pictures because some lacking of time....
Have a nice day and enjoy it....^^

Just a few have make me took out those free times....
Flash is harder and need more time to do it...
All must take good care of the body o....
I already have a small fever and I scare that H1N1 virus have some effect to me....
Take care all.....
~Be Happy Forever~
~Be Healthy Forever~