~Nice Trip~
8th of February,me & my friends have take the trip to Genting Highlands....I've not been to Genting Highlands for many years jor...quite miss that...haha...
Night of 8th of February
I arrive quite early there...
Eng Hong say want come early,but he dare let me arrive first...grrrrrr....
while waiting,my mom call me to buy some supper for them...so I go lorh...
While waiting,Eng Hong and Chia Soon arrive...
Eng Hong come and meet me....
Then we go buy some sushi...
O....quite expensive...haha...
Never mind larh...
Because need to wait for a while,so i walked back to give the supper to my mom and take out the bag...
After saying goodbye to my family,i walked into the Antar Holiday(the agency that help us to organize the trip)to put my luggage ....
I realised that Chin Beng,Zi Jing and Chia Soon was in there...
O...then i asked Chin Beng to take care my bags...
I go back to meet Eng Hong...
On the journey i saw Shian Chin just came down from the car...
He saw me then he walked in the Antar Holiday...
I meet Eng Hong and we walked back together...
Waiting in the Antar Holiday for a while...
Finally,we can go up to the bus...
In the bus...I took picture...haha...
We(me,Eng Hong,Shian Chin and Chin Beng)finish the sushi before Wil Bond them comes up...haha...
Chia Soon and Zi Jing not dare to eat...
The bus arrived at the front of bus stop of Simpang Empat to fetch my others friends...(Wil Bond,In Wooi,Wei Loon,Chan Chin,Jia Ming,Zi Yi,Chai Yun,Jing Wen and Yi Chien...)...
We chat and play jokes on the bus...
Maybe too loudly already...
We being scolded by the organiser...
haha...very embarrassing...
Along the journey...many were sleep..
.but In Wooi and Wil Bond not sleep yet...
I sms and disturb them although they are near me...haha^^...
Morning of 9th of February
Eng Hong always blowing the wind to my hair at behind...
make me scare nia at first...
i thought something dirty is disturbing...haha...
then,me,Chia Soon,and Eng Hong chat together...
We have rest at 4am on the half road...
That time I felt want vomit...
Haha...I buy a 'Pau' to take it as my breakfast later...
We arrived in front of First World Hotel at at 6.++am...
O...after me walk down from the bus...
My God...so cold...
I faster took my luggage down from the bus...
Then we take our luggage to the lobby and we do our wash...
Then,our friend who work part time there come and see us...
He is Wei Liang...haha...quite long time no see him since the last camp...
Later...we divide into 2 groups...
One go to the worker canteen...
Another one go for some heavy breakfast...
Me follow the heavy breakfast's group...
Me also didn't have heavy breakfast because I already having my 'Pau' in the lobby...
Chin Beng buy the Mc Donald breakfast...
In Wooi,Chia Soon,Shian Chin and Zi Jing have KFC breakfast...
In Wooi told us that only the egg are normal while the others such as the rice and the chicken are abnormal...(He is having KFC nasi lemak)

Later on,we all gather at the lobby for some keeping of our luggage...
After that,we meet another friend who work there,Shu Jun...we chat with her...
Then she don't know go where and ask us to wait there...
She go call Jiang Yong and Wei Liang....
Wil Bond and Chia Soon gone crazy...
they follow the other tour group that is passing by the road...sot jor...^^
Going down the elevator,we reach the entrance of the outdoor theme park...
The original price of the whole park is RM5+.++(don't know right bo...haha...)
After being some help by my friends who work in Genting Highlands...
We need to pay only RM26.00...
Saying bye bye to them because they need to go for sleep,we split into two again in the theme park...
Whatever larh...
Firstly,we went for the Pirate Ship...
OMG...i though it is just baby swinging in the baby chair...
When it swing higher and higher...
I felt want to vomit and dizzy...
Me also never expect it will swing until so high...
When come down from the pirate ship,me felt want collapse...
Then,they suggested to go for the stepping ship(name like this kot...)
Me not dare to go for because i scare the ship can afford my weight and sink into the lake...
Add on,i scare lake and sea water....
While waiting,i took their pictures lorh....

After stepping finish the ship,we go for the spinning cup...
we divide into 4 groups...
1)chia soon+wil bond+shian chin...
2)in wooi+chin beng+zi jing....
3)chan chin and eng hong....
4)me myself....

I not dare to sit with them because i will know the dangerous of sitting with them....Haha...
1st group spin unstop...they will know what will happen when it stop...
2nd group not so...spinning syiok syiok...
3rd group spinning+playing kungfu...
4th group:me...spin slowly because i don't want to get dizzy when stop...
At last...many felt dizzy when coming down from the spinning cup...
Walk by...we saw the Merry-Go-Round...
Since we have no play this for long time already...
So,we go for it lorh...
Although many people looking us playing that...
but don't know why we muka tembok and don't cares other people's thinking...
After coming down from there....
We find place to take a rest for a while....
After that...Wil Bond fell not good...
and he felt sick....
I go buy one mineral water...
One bottle of mineral cost RM2.50???
Me can buy two in my school already....
but nevermind larh...
Me marh buy one for him lorh...
When arrive at where...
OMG...he vomit....
Vomit out will make a person fell better....
Then,They say want to go for the Flying Dragon...
All marh go lorh...
Eng Hong and Chan Chin don't want to sit...
Me sit with Wil Bond...
He use his body and crush on me...
WalauA...say me very heavy...
You marh more extra....
At almost want to finish...
There is a big turn there...
I crush back heavily on Wil Bond...
Haha...I finally took my revenge...
Now he should be having painful on his body now...
Chia Soon,In Wooi,Shian Chin and Chin Beng never surrender...
They challenge the Flying Dragon again...
Me and the others wait for them lorh...
Afternoon of 9th of February
We went to the end part of the Outdoor Theme Park....
We saw there is quite a few people in the Go Cart...
so we decided to wait for our turn...
Eng Hong and Chan Chin no play....
Me also don't know why...
Yeah!!!our turn already...
They say want to race within each other....
Marh race lorh....
Me 1st one among them...
Later....that Chia Soon catch up me....
Later on,that stupid In Wooi drove pass by me...
Grrrr.....I'm waiting for the others to pass by me...
But until the race end also no people jor...
This means what???
Me also don't know....
We walked out from the exit of the Go Cart
Then,we met Eng Hong and Chan Chin...
They suggest to go for the most exciting game beside....
OMG...it is Corkscrew Roller Coaster...
It was 6 years ago since Peng Soon pull me to sit that thing...
Now i had to go for it again...
So, all except Chin Beng did not go for the queue....
Me sat with Shian Chin....
When all the security things done,
the Roller Coaster journey starts...
On the half way(still not going down....),
arrrrrhhhhhhh....i scream for a while....
I also heard my friends screaming....
even sang a song....(i think he is In Wooi...)
When the coaster is near the place it want to go down....
I got peeks aside....
OMG!!!!that is really high....
Really really high....
When it goes down....
I can't tell you the feeling....
You must go and try,or not....
We scream as loudly as we can...
I felt like being smashed down by a big machine...
I didn't open my eye at the end part of the journey...
I scared I will fainted...haha^^...
When it ends,I really fell want to faint and very tired...
It was really an excited ride...
Later on,we saw Chin Beng is playing something aside....
and he won a bear....don't know real one bo?haha^^
Then,they say want to go for Space Shot...
Although I sat that before...
but now you look at my size...
I really scare that the machine can't afford my body weight and...(you all figure out the akibatnya)
That Chin Beng...not dare to go for corkscrew but he dare to go for the space shot...
don't know what are he was thinking about....
It's me not dare to sit larh...
Although I really want to sit...
Me,Eng Hong,Wil Bond,and Chan Chin go to the 'caterpillar' to rest...
Wil Bond use my camera to take picture....
and his technique...
@All taken by Wil Bond....Me are speechless.....@

When they come down....
The girls group call us...
Although Wei Loon is in there....(sorry har....Wei Loon....)
They want to go into the room already...
Marh we walk slowly back there...
O the way....
we saw got show there...
marh go and take a look lorh...
Got people showing the blow of fire and the chinese yoyo...
When we went back...
The number we got for checking in was still far....
So,we go for our lunch...
Talk about our lunch...
It is terrible...
I called a bowl of rice that have rost duck on it...
Damn so big until I nearly can't finish it...=.=
After finishing that all....
Finally Chia Soon settle all the check in problem and we can check in already...
The room was quite small...(for me...)
but nevermind larh...
can sleep was enough liao larh...
After washing,they were ready to go for the second round of Outdoor theme park...
Me quite tired...
so I took a nap in the room...
At 5pm...I woke up...
Wearing my shoes...
heard the China sound...
It maybe is the tourist from China...(废话)
Walk by here and there...
walk till the bumper boat and saw them...
Very sad...
they were queuing there...
and just Chin Beng who realized me sitting beside...
Don't want to disturb them...
I walk lonely away...
Then Chia Soon and Zi Jing called on me...
Although I say want go back already...
but nevermind larh...
Go walk walk first...
Sms Eng Hong...
but he is still sleeping in his room...
Walking lonely to the stall...
spend RM20.00 for those stupid things...
Me step foward to the spinning cup...
sitting inside alone...
saw them queuing for the Small Roller Coaster...
It's my fault...
don't want join them then say myself are lonely...
@Sendiri cari de pasal...Haiz....@

After taking picures....
and they already finish playing the Small Roller Coaster...
The others still want to challenge the Corkscrew Roller Coaster...
Me,Wil Bond and Chin Beng left them and go for the Dinosaursland...
One thing I want to say about the Dinosaursland...
it is...........................................................................................................................
haha....can larh....
to scare a 3 years old baby...
Haha...we have touch the skin of snake....
like touching the fish....
haha....cold one....
@Don't get scare...@

we go and meet them....
they already queuing for the Go-Cart again....
We three marh wait lorh....
We laugh at In Wooi because he just now morning laugh us can't get 1st...
Now he get back what he want...
He seems to be last since from the start....
Chin Beng would like to have another bear...
So,he spent RM10 for it...
Me and Wil Bond share with him one each....
none of us throw in the ring...
When they finished their car driving...
that time also already late...
Almost all already close down...
Don't know whose eye so good until he can see the swing chair still no close down...
We all played that except Shian Chin...
That time de mist quite thick...
and this cause me feel very cold when sitting on the spinning chair....
We take some pictures in front of the fake waterfall...
Then we go into the 4D Motionmaster....
near the door of outdoor theme park...
We experience the reality of the 4D movie with the special glasses...
that was really great...
we can feel that we were flying on the sky...
later on...
coming out from there....
we walked here and there...
Finally walked back to our room...
After some break and playing cards...
Chia Soon and the others invited us to join them to have dinner in the worker canteen...
Shu Jun and Jiang Yong bring us in...
Me have Wantan Mee...
Orh...Quite a large bowl...
haha...Chin Beng buy some cup Maggi and a fish cracker....
Going on...
We go for the indoor Theme Park...
Seeing not so many people queuing for the indoor roller coaster....
All of us ran till there and have a ride on it...
Shian Chin say just the sound big nia....
but no scare de...
I forgot jor...
I seems to sit with Wil Bond again...
I agree with Shian Chin...
Although I can crush on others...
but really not scare de...
Then we went for the Bumper Car...
All of u have discuss to attack In Wooi in there...
While in there....
In Wooi like being squise by us....
being attacked by 6 of us....
Because of being too syiok...
we go for it again and again...
After that,Eng Hong and Chan Chin join us...
We walked here and there....
even to the garden....
then,we went back to our room...
Because of too tired...
All of us sleep after we had done our wash...
Morning of 9th of February
The alarm have woke me up...
After I have done my washing...
What have make me surprise...
The others already woke up and waiting for me....
Haha...What a cold morning...
We have our breakfast in our room...
A cup of Maggi noddles and some bread would make me satisfied...(But i don't know why In Wooi always want heavy breakfast...)
Then we prepare for the second time check in...
We kept our luggage in the Genting International Convention Centre(GICC)...
All have been helped by Chia Soon's Lover,Maicheal...haha^^
Wow...what a big convention centre...
Me,Eng Hong and some other friends brought some chocolates from the Beryl's Chocolates stall...
I brought 3 and all cost RM11...(I'd like the yogurt one...)
The others decide to go for some bowl up there...
So,i follow Eng Hong,Wil Bond and Chan Chin to walk at the First World Plaza...
Firstly we go for the Village of Mongolian on times square...
Oh...many beautiful things are made by the Mongolians...
The price are also very "beautiful"...haha...
Wil Bond and Eng Hong brought some souviners...
Then both of them kisiao...
They get into Speedy and buy a CD each....(spa de...)
Although it is more cheaper than in CD Rama/Popular Bookstore here...
Then we go to another shop that sells traditional food...
Me and Eng Hong share buy a pack of Mochi...
that Wil Bond say don't want to eat but at last he ate also...
We have these sharing in front of the Snow World...
A boy is trying to attack us by using the snow ball...
but he can't caught us becuse there is a mirror in front...
Haha...he is very cute...everytime he throw once he fall once...Haha...
Then we walked till the cultural village...
Eng Hong and Chan Chin buy a chinese yoyo each at the Taiwanese stall...
Then,Jiang Yong and Shun Jun met us there....
Afternoon of 9th of February
We have our lunch together at the food court...
Again,i can't finished my noddles again...
We have worker price there when my friends show their ID there...
Then we went down and go check in...
=.=lll...Our room is located in 1st floor...
So we no need to climb up and climb down...
Then we went walked walked...
We go buy the ticket to watch the movie "All's well End's Well"...
then we go to another food shop at Genting Plaza...
Urgh...Me get cheated by the prices and been packet...
It's totally different...
I spent RM 1+.++ on some sour plum only...
Then we rushed back following Chia Soon...
Evening of 9th of February
Then we rushed back to the cinema again because the movie was going to start very soon...
Good...Good...I like the movie very much...very very funny...hahaha...
After finished...we again rushed to the Arena of Star...(Me ,Chia Soon,Shian Chin,Zi Jing,In Wooi,Eng Hong)
To see Gao Ling Feng Concert...
For me i really never watch a concert before...
Haha...Wow...The Arena of Star was really big...
Although the concert was quite boring...Haha...
because he was not our year de singer...
Sorry larh har...^^...
Night of 9th of February
After that,we went buy some herbal egg each...
It is boiled with herb+ginseng...
It was more delicious than i sold before when CCD...
haha...then,on our way back...we go to the temple nearby to pray...(recommend by Eng Hong...Me also no see the temple at 1st...haha...)
After that,we walked back...
Then,Eng Hong asked me whether want to teman hi to go buy the scarf near the Snow World...
We both told Chia Soon and we rushed there....
Scare the shop will closed down...Haha...
Thanks God...
the shop still no closed down...
Each of us buy one...
Haha...I'd like that...
Didn't you also like it,Eng Hong...???
Then,Eng Hong receive calls from Wil Bond that they all gathered at the Starbucks Coffee...
After some chatting...me,Chia Soon and Shian Chin have some try on throwing coins into the bucket in front of the Lover Bridge...
Then,because of quite tired...I suggested to went back to room...
Late Night of 9th of February
After some crazy stuff...Chia Soon nd Eng Hong again receive calls...
Chia Soon's Lover,Maicheal call him...He asked Chia Soon to go and sleep with him...haha...
Wil Bond them askEng Hong to go to the garden...
Haiz...=.=lll...quite sleepy de me been tortured by them...
ditemani oleh Shian Chin and Eng Hong.....
Have to send that 42p Chia Soon to his Lover room...
Harlah...harlah...you go syiok syik there larh....
(Maicheal is a guy...don't know they..........................I have say nothing.......)
Then,I send Eng Hong to the garden...
Huh...although not so far...
when I reach there...I got the feeling of being collapse....
OMG...they want to change view to the Genting garden behind the Theme Park Hotel...
=.=lll...The Garden is very,very,very far away from here....
Early Morning of 10th of February
Urgh....sleepy but the cold breeze make me awake...
Arrive Theme Park Garden quite a long time...
Me don't know...
Walking+Sleepy is not good...
me even don't know what am I doing...
Haha...when reach there...The others already arrive jor...
They ran here and there....
Chit Chat and laugh quite loudly...
They even sang songs there....
After some times...
me really can afford the cold weather...
I still remember that time is 2am...
I asked the room key from Shian Chin and is better for me to return to the room and have a sleep...
I'd askes Shian Chin to use Wil Bond phone to call me if he can't wke me up from outside when come back...
that night surely very cold...
At 3am....
Don't know who comes and ring the bell....
Tudio...I got shocked and went to open the door...
Ya...Its them...My God...they played till so late....
Haiz...continue sleep....
Morning of 10th of February
I woke up at 7.++am...
Wow...it is damn cold...
It is better for me to go for a hot water bathe....
Haha...very syiok that nobody shouting at you that wanting to use the toilet...
After washing,dress up and packed up...
waiting the time to passby....
I not dare to woke them up because yesterday they have played tiredly....
I SMS Wil Bond,Chia Soon and Eng Hong...
because they said already want to go down hill to visit what temple....
Nobody reply me...they all seems to be too tired and still not wake up kot....haha....
Later on ,Chia Soon come and rang the bell....
He said that the trip had been cancelled....
All don't want to wake up....
Haha...my room mate all woke up already....
We played poker card and watch television programme...
Then we went for some 'heavy' breakfast....
Emmmm...I like the rice at the restaurant there....haha....
We took photograph there also...
@Yeah...my scarf beautiful????haha...@

Then,after loitering here and there,we decided to go back to our room to make the last check because it is time to say goodbye to Genting Highlands...
Only Jiang Yong send us to the cable car...
The other friends continue their sleep...
Ok larh...We understand that they have to work later...
Thanks all,especially you,Jiang Yong...
Wei Liang and Shu Jun also...Gambateh lorh...^^...
Because of the Skyway cable car have holiday....
So,we have to ride on the Awana cable car...
After waving hands to Jiang Yong...We ride onto the cable car...
Oh...many people...the whole cable car seems to pack like the tin of sardines....haha...
the view is great....yeah....
Afternoon of 10th of February
All of us took our place in the bus already...
Me,Shian Chin/Chia Soon,Wil Bond and In Wooi still played poker cards...
haha...in bus...1st time....
Later on,many were asleep...
Then the bus stopped for rest...
We have our lunch there...
Me buy some crackers and biscuits...
I heard that the 'Lou Poh Peng' quite famous and delicious....
So,I brought some back...
The bus travel from Genting Highlands,Pahang till Alor Star,Kedah....
Seeing them go down the bus one by one and the bus seems to be empty from time to time....
Haha...at last,our gang only left me,Shian Chin and Zi Jing...
At last also me be the last....Haiz....
I seems to know more about Genting Highlands this time...
Finally I have watched a Concert liao...haha....
Me know more about Eng Hong....
errr.....me not dare to sit many thrill things already....
I spent a lot of money there....haha...$$$ fly jor....
I gain a lo9t of memories there...
Conclusion:I would like to go there again if given chance...^^
Sayonara,Genting Highlands....Hope to see you again....miss you....
~Be Happy Forever~