Last year's today, we both met and be together...
Wondering that you still remember it?
Well, it has been a year...
No matter you still remember it or not, it has been turned into a memory
of us...
I knew you have your nice life now,
but I still really missing you...
I know it's wrong but sometimes my mind keep thinking of you~
I take a lot of time to forget you,
but all was just failed~
Once i saw outside the pairs,
I will keep thinking the time we've been together~
Still wondering you kept the present I made for you...
Hopefully yes~
I would wish to be with you always because saw you keeping stress these fe
w months cause by exam and studies...
But it's a impossible for us already right?
I do always dream of you...
Dreaming that we go shopping together, we eat together, we cycle together, a lots of thing that we've done in the dream...
Well, it will only be more realistic in the dream...
Won't you have the same feeling?
Time really flew fast...
Faster enough for us to see our roads clearly...
Hope that we're both are not having mistake for letting each other away...
Wishing you to have a nice and bright road in front...
Having a nicer person than me to accompany you in your journey...
Maybe when we met on the road one day,
I hope I still will be able to see your smile and having greetings from you...
Truly pray hard for you, My Ex...
Be Happy ya...

Merry Christmas to all~
Hope Santa will place the presents into your socksxD