Just now having dinner with my classmate...
Should be counted as supper as it was taken kinda late...
That was not many of them attend as most of them had already went back to their own hometown...
Cannot blame them as we does not have classes on Friday...
Our destination is the newly opened McDonald nearby which was just a stone throw away from my hostel...
It was nice to have a McDonald at Kampar as we hardly find a fast food restaurant for us to consume...
Their chosen location was just nice where this will attract more students from UTAR and KTAR to have their meals there...
However, we hardly to find more seats inside the restaurant because it was that large and unable to fit so many people...
Fortunately, we were lucky to find a row of seat which suits us....
Without delay, we go for food ordering taking turn as somebody have to look after the seats to avoid being occupied by other people...
On the queue, I saw my course mate, Rosveen was working part time there...
Haha....kinda weird to see this kinda situation but who cares....Nice to see her in McDonald's uniform...
Saying hi to her and start to ordering the delicacies...
Having McValue and an extra medium coke for Huan Peng...
The services were great as they were fast and efficient...
Sat down and start having the meal....
Mumbling...Old man came...
He was late as he got some important things to do...
And I was wondering why he always like to act horny...
Feel wanna vomit...Funny...
Huan Peng and Hooi Ling left in the middle of the conversation as they are having second round on other places...
Some of my course mate also came and we sat together...
Well...chit chatting till reach 12am...
Asking permission and I went back home with Boeing...
It was a great night and the meal was satisfied...(as I was not having McDonald for a long time...)
Well...Switch on the lappy...
Clicking here and there...
Sign into the Facebook and Windows Live Messengers...
Damn...Stupid Maxis Broadband...Low connectivity....Sighs...
Does not feel wanna touch the homework...maybe after I woke up...
Listening to the music and playing the guitar with some songs....
My technique was not improved at all...
Even me also do not know what makes me determine to write this post...
That was life...
We hardly predict and knew what is gonna happen...
We can only wait and accept it with smile...
Despite of anything happen, it is our fate...
We are humans...
The God give us the brain to think and do things...
So, we should not give up on anything...
Keep it on and try our best....
Somebody gonna say I'm repeating the same things again...
Woots...I like to repeat this...What can you do about it...
I have post a phrase on my Facebook wall...
"Good or Bad, We have to continue our days;
Listening to the songs, keep the tension away;
Sleep and all the trouble will go away;
A smile will makes everything better;
Look forward, your future is in your hand..."
Hope you all will like this...
I will be keep updating...
~Be Happy Forever~
Should be counted as supper as it was taken kinda late...
That was not many of them attend as most of them had already went back to their own hometown...
Cannot blame them as we does not have classes on Friday...
Our destination is the newly opened McDonald nearby which was just a stone throw away from my hostel...
It was nice to have a McDonald at Kampar as we hardly find a fast food restaurant for us to consume...
Their chosen location was just nice where this will attract more students from UTAR and KTAR to have their meals there...
However, we hardly to find more seats inside the restaurant because it was that large and unable to fit so many people...
Fortunately, we were lucky to find a row of seat which suits us....
Without delay, we go for food ordering taking turn as somebody have to look after the seats to avoid being occupied by other people...
On the queue, I saw my course mate, Rosveen was working part time there...
Haha....kinda weird to see this kinda situation but who cares....Nice to see her in McDonald's uniform...
Saying hi to her and start to ordering the delicacies...
Having McValue and an extra medium coke for Huan Peng...
The services were great as they were fast and efficient...
Sat down and start having the meal....
Mumbling...Old man came...
He was late as he got some important things to do...
And I was wondering why he always like to act horny...
Feel wanna vomit...Funny...
Huan Peng and Hooi Ling left in the middle of the conversation as they are having second round on other places...
Some of my course mate also came and we sat together...
Well...chit chatting till reach 12am...
Asking permission and I went back home with Boeing...
It was a great night and the meal was satisfied...(as I was not having McDonald for a long time...)
Well...Switch on the lappy...
Clicking here and there...
Sign into the Facebook and Windows Live Messengers...
Damn...Stupid Maxis Broadband...Low connectivity....Sighs...
Does not feel wanna touch the homework...maybe after I woke up...
Listening to the music and playing the guitar with some songs....
My technique was not improved at all...
Even me also do not know what makes me determine to write this post...
That was life...
We hardly predict and knew what is gonna happen...
We can only wait and accept it with smile...
Despite of anything happen, it is our fate...
We are humans...
The God give us the brain to think and do things...
So, we should not give up on anything...
Keep it on and try our best....
Somebody gonna say I'm repeating the same things again...
Woots...I like to repeat this...What can you do about it...
I have post a phrase on my Facebook wall...
"Good or Bad, We have to continue our days;
Listening to the songs, keep the tension away;
Sleep and all the trouble will go away;
A smile will makes everything better;
Look forward, your future is in your hand..."

I will be keep updating...
~Be Happy Forever~