Today Zi Jing organizes a study group(maybe) we go loh....
People who take parts in this 'study group' is :
1.Mr Liew Peng Pink...
2.Mr Khaw Wil Bond...
3.Mr Cheang Shian Chin...
4.Mr Lee Chin Beng....
5.Mr Lim Kai Seng...
6.Mr Kow Fang Leong(but go home after he reach the public library...should him be counted in...???)
I pray to the God that hoping the 'owl' won't fly come...
yeah...he didn't come....hahaha....
we read books,find books,sharing somethings and laugh...(although they have taken some books that is not so suitable...=.=lll)
then,we go eat lunch at Pak Hainan Cafe and chat there...waiting the time to past away...(because the public library will be open back at 2.45pm...)
then,don't know whose ide to go to the Popular bookstore...
they found the horoscope books to read...i think we laugh together very loud...hehe...
then,that peng pink saw some beautiful watch....(me also don't what the watches attract him...but me also kena lah...)
then,after he brought...he tell me that he have regret...hiaz...
Got nothing to do...go back to Public Library...
o...saw Mr.Ho...hahaha...then,we do our things loh....
walk out from the library...say bye bye to shian chin and we go to the Pekan Rabu...
then,bye bye to all loh....hehez....
although very tired,but hope this memory will forever remember by me...
and hope we will always be together forever...

ok...Good nitez...bye....
~Be Happy Forever~
People who take parts in this 'study group' is :
1.Mr Liew Peng Pink...
2.Mr Khaw Wil Bond...
3.Mr Cheang Shian Chin...
4.Mr Lee Chin Beng....
5.Mr Lim Kai Seng...
6.Mr Kow Fang Leong(but go home after he reach the public library...should him be counted in...???)
I pray to the God that hoping the 'owl' won't fly come...
yeah...he didn't come....hahaha....
we read books,find books,sharing somethings and laugh...(although they have taken some books that is not so suitable...=.=lll)
then,we go eat lunch at Pak Hainan Cafe and chat there...waiting the time to past away...(because the public library will be open back at 2.45pm...)
then,don't know whose ide to go to the Popular bookstore...
they found the horoscope books to read...i think we laugh together very loud...hehe...
then,that peng pink saw some beautiful watch....(me also don't what the watches attract him...but me also kena lah...)
then,after he brought...he tell me that he have regret...hiaz...
Got nothing to do...go back to Public Library...
o...saw Mr.Ho...hahaha...then,we do our things loh....
walk out from the library...say bye bye to shian chin and we go to the Pekan Rabu...
then,bye bye to all loh....hehez....
although very tired,but hope this memory will forever remember by me...
and hope we will always be together forever...
ok...Good nitez...bye....
~Be Happy Forever~